GOLDTSONE EASY FLOW DENTAL STONE TYPE -III This Unique Stone, made from superior quality beneficiated mineral gypsum,
Permitting short processing time. It has the unique ability to produce micron level detailed reproduction of substrate a
السماح بوقت قصير للمعالجة. لديها قدرة فريدة على إنتاج استنساخ مفص
تم تصنيعه من الجبس البحري عالي الجودة ، وهو حجر قوي للأغراض العامة
Manufactured from high quality marine Gypsum, this is a tough general purpose stone formulated to produce Smooth and str
يسمح التحسن الملحوظ في خصائص التدفق بدخول الملاط إلى أفضل الزوايا
The remarkable improvement in the flow properties permits entry of slurry to the finest nooks and crevices, re
This Unique Stone, made from superior quality beneficiated mineral gypsum, has been formulated to produce exceptional st